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Designing a Custom Retail Store MUSIC System

Every day, we are awash in a sea of noise. Though we often give little thought or attention to the sounds of our environment, research has repeatedly proven that our brains are constantly engaging with the auditory input surrounding us. Whether we notice it or not, sound is a powerful part of our everyday experience – and often, a major influence on our mood and behavior – which is why a retail store music system is such an effective tool for customer engagement.

In fact, sound wields such a powerful impact on consumer behavior that many contemporary retailers have begun to include music and sound as major elements in their experiential marketing strategy. But the songs on the program are not the only important factor. The smartest retailers know that great music must be complemented by a great retail store sound system. They’ve realized that a positive auditory experience can help reinforce their brand’s image and core values and may even influence customer purchasing.

So what elements should be considered when designing your retail store music system? The experts at Mood Media are here to help with this go-to list for designing the perfect retail store sound system.

1. Consider your environment. Are the floors carpeted or bare? Are there acoustic panels? Ceiling tiles? Before you even begin to consider other factors, you’ll need to be familiar with your environment – when designing a custom retail store sound system, even tiny details can make a big difference. For example, a space with concrete floors and a hard ceiling will tend to echo while a space with carpet will have entirely different acoustical properties.

2. Consider the tone and volume. An older clientele may prefer soft background jazz, while a younger customer demographic may prefer louder, more upbeat indie tunes, for example. It’s best to be clear on the atmosphere you’re trying to create, as it will help you determine the number and quality of speakers you’ll need when installing your retail store music system.

3. Consider the technology. Your customers deserve the best – which means an investment in updated technology and equipment is essential. Nothing detracts more from an in-store experience than poor-quality sound! Make sure you select the technology and equipment that reflects the high-quality experience you’d like to create.

4. Consider the source and method of delivery. With the variety of delivery options available, such as satellite, streaming or Internet, you need to figure out what’s best for you. For example, streaming music services may provide greater flexibility, but some providers can’t guarantee the reliability and continuity of service. Do some research to determine which of the available options will provide your customers with the ideal auditory experience.

5. Consider the variety. How much and what type of music is available for your retail sound system? Is it easy to update playlists and add variety? This is especially important when serving a younger demographic – you’ll need to ensure your sound can be refreshed frequently to accommodate the shifting interests of your clientele.

6. Consider additional options. Does your designer or service provider offer the ability to include branded messaging? What about special promotions or seasonal options? Customized announcements or promotions can greatly influence customer behavior, so make sure your retail sound system can accommodate in-store messaging.

7. Consider the future. Your custom retail sound system should be built to last. You should not only invest in high-quality equipment – you should also consider the need for ongoing support. How difficult is it to update the system or the musical selections? Does your designer provide continued customer service or maintenance? Looking ahead will help you avoid future issues.

These questions are essential to enhancing your customers’ shopping experience with the right sounds and music. Designing a custom retail sound system allows you to create an auditory experience which enhances your brand image and appeals to your unique clientele.

To find out more about creating the ideal retail sound system for your business, contact the experts at Mood Media. We’ll help you explore your options and create an in-store sound experience which sets the right mood, every time!

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